Vignerons Propriétés Associés
Avenue Paul Blisson
30210 Saint-Hilaire-d’Ozilhan
04 66 01 31 31
Opening hours:
Boutique Rond point des croisés
Castillon du Gard
Monday to Saturday
10am-12.30pm and 2.30pm-7pm
Elegance, freshness and consistency are key features of the wines made by Vignerons Propriétés et Associés.
VIGNERONS PROPRIETES ASSOCIES is one of the major producers in the Rhône-Mediterranean basin.
This remarkable location gives the Vignerons Propriétés Associés group 2,700 hectares of vineyard based around Nîmes La Romaine. The vineyards, unique in their diversity, geography and climate, are the hallmarks of the Vignerons Propriétés Associés name.
We pride ourselves on our communications with winegrowers, partners, consultants and wine lovers – talented men and women who share our values and our passion, for life in general and wine in particular.
With 4 wineries dedicated to quality, and separate production lines for each appellation, we offer wines noted for their elegance, freshness and consistency.
Rather than any formal procedures, what guarantees the high quality of our wines is the tried-and-trusted, practical success of our traditional recipes. This is the basis of our reputation.
The white and red wines of Domaine Allegret are produced in the Laudun terroirs, many of which feature rounded pebbles. Domaine Allegret reds are made from specially selected parcels and are harvested at optimum ripeness, giving an elegant, complex wine with a pleasingly rounded mouthfeel and spicy flavours.